Testing of ship ladders

The SPASI company carries out thorough annual inspections and tests of ship gangway ladders and parade ladders, as well as under-gangway nets.

Before using the means of access to the vessel, it is necessary to check them to ensure their reliability and safety:

  • presence of damage and deflections;
  • wear or corrosion;
  • operability of all mechanisms;
  • integrity of the cells of the under-ladder nets.

During the testing, the following is checked:

  • stability of flights, upper and lower platforms of the main ladders;
  • strength and permissible deflections of the gangway ladders and flights of the main ladders;
  • operability of the mechanisms for lowering/raising the main ladders;
  • integrity of the falls (ropes) and electrical equipment.

These measures help prevent possible accidents on board the vessel and ensure the safe use of the means of access to the vessel.

How often should gangways and overboard ladders be tested?

Gangway ladders and overboard ladders on ships are tested during the regular inspection of the ship and should not exceed 5 years or after repairs. Safety nets must be inspected for compliance with standards annually. An official document (ship’s report) is drawn up on their suitability for use.

What is the method for testing gangways and overboard ladders?

The test load is applied to the upper and lower platforms of the overboard ladder, flights of the overboard ladder or gangway ladder. During the tests, the maximum deflection of the flights before and after the load is monitored in order to exclude any residual deformations.

The tests are carried out using modern water-filled weights and remote electronic dynamometers, which allow testing not only in port, but also when the ship is at anchor.

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